Sunday 2 November 2008

A Ten Minute Double Ring Halo

Sea air makes sleeping incredibly sweet... as Diane Cluck sings. This is further away from that but there can be autumnal daydreams in a two season, one temperature climate. The season or is that the times have changed here when Halloween skeletons ride mopeds embracing their Frankenstein driver, gathering all that is foreign to them. And teenagers gathering on a main street with matching mopeds and angled baseball gaps let roar their little engines, making proud the low cc and speeding off, full of joy under the ever watchful eye of everybody. The only revolution here is that of wheels but youth culture has its strength - from wifi freedom to fashion subversive, there is always a way to say you want to be different. Meanwhile in the newly opened bar/club/apparatchik jacuzzi called Fashion TV, the party people go there to celebrate with something slim in their hands.
More photos but missed the Halloween moments. Drat.

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