Woke up and the world revolved. Not evolved. Should have. Could have. If mud-slides hadn't taken away mudhuts; if the ground hadn't been taken away from under them just before they were typhooned, old and ancient Hue battered with fresh and natural violence. Could have. If we had eyes to see as the smoke from Malaysia heads for Singapore's clean streets and then. And then. The apocalyptic forecasts keep the fire stoked for the Britishers' love and fear of the weather,a pre-Discovery channel fascination with all things that can't be controlled.
If anything had changed overnight it couldn't be seen. Not by me at least. The room was swirling and my eyes lied to me; bare face cheek in the mirror. They should have been rolling in their sockets, the pupils taking the curve of the eye, hugging it like a cue ball, but no, they remained fixed on the mirror while my head danced on a merry-go-round which had been placed on the poop deck of a galleon ploughing through some terrible storm. Of course there is exaggeration. This is illness. It should not be downplayed. It was surprising however to find myself so dizzy and staggered; like a raging hangover mixed with sea-sickness.
Dear Kate held me as we taxi'd our way to our ( not so free) healthcare.Of course it's a virus. Dear Doctor. Dear Diary. We are all a virus. Some apocalyptic swipe with mud or air or water or fire will sweep us away and who the xxxx cares. Trust me I'm a doctor they didn't say but they should have. I could barely see them. The room was spinning. This was some tropical Tarantella that was bringing some screwed up syncopation to my brain. You've got riddim, you've got style, that sweaty and pasty face is lighting up this world and do you mind if we cash in. An ear virus. $50 Consultation Fee. $21 for Prescription. Drugs for Vertigo ( I loved the movie thanks), for the cold ( think Lemsip) and STREPSILS ( think what the !@?k. If I could have stormed out I would have but I managed a dramatic stagger instead and a whispered certainty that the Hippocratic oath is silenced by such private care.
I'm better now and I can watch threatening mud and clouds of smoke from the safety of my living room.
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